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Regulations & Standards


Access Management Regulations

In accordance with Chapter 5552 of the Ohio Revised Code (ORC), the Warren County Board of Commissioners adopted Access Management Regulations effective March 20, 2006. The regulations were formally adopted by the Board on February 2, 2006, after a series of public meetings held on January 10th, 19th and February 2, 2006.

PDF IconAccess Management Regulations
PDF IconSurvey Plat Requirements

Storm Water Regulations

PDF IconStorm Water Design Manual – January 2021

Subdivision Regulations

In accordance with Chapter 711 of the Ohio Revised Code (ORC), the Warren County Regional Planning Commission enacted Subdivision Regulations effective August 22, 2019. The regulations were formally adopted by the Board of Commissioners in October of 1978.


Transfer and Conveyance Standards

These are the standards of the Warren County Auditor and the Warren County Engineer as adopted under Ohio Revised Code Section 319.203.

PDF IconTransfer and Conveyance Standards

Requirements and Standards for the Design and Construction of Streets and Roadway Facilities

These are the standards of the Warren County Board of Commissioners as adopted under Ohio Revised Code Section 711.101. A public hearing was held by the Warren County Board of Commissioners on March 20, 1986 and became effective on June 9, 1986.

PDF IconStreets and Roadway Facilities Standards DF (2.28 MB)

Open-Cut Pavement Restoration Detail - CDF

The restoration shown in this detail to be used in the restoration of pavement within the jurisdiction of the Warren County Engineer. Roadway open-cut requires special permission by the Warren County Engineer. Warren County Engineer’s Office is to be notified 24 hours prior to construction.

Open-Cut Pavement Restoration Detail - CDFPDf Icon PDF (40.47 KB)