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The Warren County Engineer's Office works not only to maintain and build immediate changes to the county road system; it also works to respond to future and projected traffic needs. Transportation studies provide a process of determining predicted traffic development and the various factors (such as environmental, economical, and public input) that aid in developing recommendation plans. The following are studies that the Warren County Engineer's Office is currently involved in:

Southwest Warren County Transportation Study

I-71 / Fields Ertel Road / Mason-Montgomery Road Interchange Study

Visit Study Website: www.AdvancingFieldsErtel.com

Because of the handful of arterial roads that crisscross poorly at the interchange; they fail in handling the traffic volumes. Studies have provided findings for resolving the many traffic issues through a developed phase sequence of projects of local street improvements, traffic signal system modifications, access management projects, and modifications. Many phases have been completed, are currently under construction, or upcoming - based on this study.

Heritage Area Transportation Plan

I-71 - Western Row Road Interchange

Visit Study Website: www.wctid.us/Projects/WesternRow.aspx

Due to changing economic development requirements and increasing congestion on local roads in the area, a complete interchange design to service movements to and from the north is required.